Sunday 29 November 2009

The Image of Trash Couture

How does branding represent a company?

Companies require consumer trust. This trust can only be gained through the provision of goods and services that meet the expectations and requirements of the consumer. This puts the consumer in power.

Branding, within companies in the global economy, counts for a large portion of value and increasingly as the main source of profit. Companies therefore have and do focus on marketing aspirations, image and lifestyle, opposed to previously concentrating on product production only.

The basis of the branding process begins with the fundamental point of retaining consumer trust. Companies that expose their brand values are therefore required to address and respond to moral and ethical issues manifested in consumer perceptions of corporations and brand owners.

In an age of accelerated consumption the idea that corporations can ignore such issues is wrong. As the two quotations in the previous post suggest there is and increasing need for brands to show willing in order to retain the business they need.

How do you show willing?

There are many third party effects resulting from the processes undertaken to meet the requirements of consumption. Economies change, Social Structures change and the Environment changes. Within these effects the notion of brand response can demonstrate changing attitudes towards these externalities.

For example the idea of turning ‘Poo into Gold’ can be seen either as a money making venture or an ethical venture. Companies that demonstrate these efforts are responding directly to consumer loyalty, if they don’t they lose business. If the incentives are to increase profit then so be it, but at the end of the day it is lead by the opinion of the consumer. Therefore, if consumptions exists, the incentive to adapt exists and simultaneously the end result will favour the brand owners as well as confront the by products of consumer culture.

How does one portray the values mentioned above?

The image can be derived from the nature of the products. If the products are promoting ethical values, the architecture should reflect this attitude and brand it. Therefore through a reassessment of brand values the architecture is integrated into the process of improving consumer awareness, which will inevitably act as an advertisement of the flagship that corporations should follow, respond to and compete with.

I suppose the conclusion is that:

1. Consumer trust is pivotal to branding.

2. Branding is the fundamental to corporations that want to make money.

These two added together equate to an economic environment that catalyzes moral decisions, economic decisions, and innovative decisions that all need a place to live…

My Building………

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